In addition to their regular duties, the Adult Choir is responsible for the music at special liturgies during the church year. The Christmas Carol Service and the Holy Week services are definitely can’t miss events. The choir has also been known to make a special appearances at Christmas at St. Joe’s and other events. Music is generally sung in parts and while challenging, is not too demanding. Rehearsals for the choir are held on Monday nights at 7:30pm.
For more information on ADULT CHOIR, please contact the church.
Anyone can join at any time by contacting the coordinators. The coordinator will assign you to one of the three groups. You are asked to be faithful to your daily Rosary however, should you forget or accidentally skip it, there is no penalty. Your best effort is all that is required. Membership in the society requires only your own desire to pray the rosary. This society is of a strictly spiritual nature and no dues or money is involved.
We patterned our St. Joseph’s Parish Rosary Society after the Holy Family and our members are listed under one of the three members of the Holy Family. Each group is assigned one of the three parts of the Mysteries for a month so that our Rosary Society will be reciting the whole rosary each day. At the end of the month, another set is assigned.
We have Parish intentions, Diocesan intentions, and your own personal intentions asking Mary to intercede before the Throne of God to please hear our prayers. Deceased members of the society are also remembered. Should a rosary member pass away, the society members meet at the wake to pray the rosary and to show their respect.
We ask only your cooperation for a successful spiritual undertaking. The rewards are many.
For more information on ROSARY SOCIETY, please contact the church.
Seeking a means of bringing church and family closer together through sociability and fellowship intermingled with prayer, a group of women convened in the parish hall Sunday evening, March 26, 1954, to form a club.
The organization born that night came to be known as the “Women’s Club of St. Joseph’s Church.” Mrs. Andrew Bullock was elected as the first president, and Mrs. William Michnuk succeeded her during the club’s second year. The third leader of the group was Mrs. Joseph Skalka.
Within a short time the membership doubled itself. In 1956 there were 97 members. The goal for the future is to enlist every woman in the parish.
Looking ahead to the physical needs that might develop in the parish, the club sponsored bazaars, cake bakes, card parties, and merchandise clubs to earn funds. Annual contributions in 1956 reached $2,000 and additional donations have been made to the Easter and Christmas collections.
To meet the need for parish sociability, numerous holiday parties have been held for the youngsters, and the grown-ups have been treated to a variety of social events. Then, too, there have been many affairs for the entire family.
Closely knit by a common religious faith, the women of the club have helped one another to grow spiritually. They have received Communion together and have prayed together time and time again. It seems inevitable that with this kind of foundation the Women’s Club of St. Joseph’s Church will always be, all thanks to God.
For more information on the WOMEN’S CLUB, please contact the church.
The Sunshine Club is affiliated with the Women’s Club of St. Joseph’s Church. Sunshine needs no other explanation because that is what we try to impart to members of the parish, their families and friends. The Women’s Club members are recognized on their birthdays with a greeting card. Cheers and visitations are arranged for sick parishioners and friends, and special occasions are recognized and our shut-ins are also remembered, especially during the Christmas holidays.
We ask you cooperation by notifying any Women’s Club member when a family member or friend is hospitalized, bed-ridden or needs help in any way. A little sunshine goes a long way and can really make a difference.
Volunteers are always welcome. If anyone is interested in occasionally helping us visit our sick parishioners and friends, please notify any member of the Women’s Club.
For more information on SUNSHINE CLUB, please contact the church.
A small replica statue of Our Lady of Fatima has been making visits to the homes of our parishioners. She is put in a place of honor, where your family can pray and meditate. Visits last for two weeks, the statue is then passed on to another nearby parishioner’s home.
Anyone interested in having the statue visit your home should contact Mary Benkovich. This is truly a great spiritual uplift.
For more information on the PILGRIMAGE STATUE, please contact the church.